Donate HIV & AIDS in Children, Save the Children-End AIDS India

The Best HIV and AIDS Nonprofits of 2019. We want to learn from history and create a better future for the next generation. Justice for all is our motto that underpins all the HIV Response Programme we implement across the country. We believe justice cannot wait. Please help us deliver care and support services to the most marginalised and stigmatised sections of the society. The situation of HIV AIDS in India is serious with the spread no longer confined to high risk groups alone.

Donate HIV-End AIDS India
Our words are as important as our actions. Let's correct our tendency to use derogatory language towards certain groups in our society. Let's be mindful of how we describe or speak about a section of our community. Spread love, not hatred.

Human #respect and #dignity is our birthright. People living with HIV not only fight against HIV but also fight #stigma and #discrimination. Their fight is our fight. Your support is needed to end HIV, to end discrimination.
AIDS in Children-End AIDS India
The saying, it takes a village to raise a child rings so true especially for children born in disadvantageous circumstances for no fault of theirs. We are working for children living with HIV and born into low-income families. Please Support.

People living with HIV regularly face discrimination, rude treatment and sometimes even denial of services. Let's pledge to uphold the HIV and AIDS Act, 2017 that protects the rights of people living with HIV. For more visit us


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